Our mission is to develop natural seafood ingredients in the most sustainable way possible. To do that, we need people who dare to challenge the status quo. 

By combining our knowledge with newfound research and development, and interdisciplinary collaborations, Seagems are pioneering a whole industry.

You can make a difference 

As part of the Seagems team, you will be exploring new ways to utilize side streams in the seafood industry. In the end, your effort will benefit the global food market.

You can trust us to ensure a healthy work environment no matter who you are and where you’re from. At Seagems, we aim for you to thrive and never stop exploring the opportunities ahead. 

The future is social

Seagems' efforts for a healthy and inclusive work environment are an integrated part of our work with ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance). All parts of our organization have committed to common goals, and we look forward to the social future of our company. 

Read more about how we work towards our SDG goals 

2: Zero hunger SDG goal
12: Responsible consumption and production SDG goal
14: Life below water SDG goal

We are always looking for talent, get in touch with Dag by e-mail.